
R U L E S            

F o r   t h e   u s e  o f   t h e   c a m p s i t e   P a r a d i s o 

The purpose of these regulations is to facilitate camping and recreational activities, to maintain hygiene and cleanliness and to maintain peace and order in general

  1. Everybody who enters or stays in the campsite has to be registered at the reception.On arrival, guests, will provide an identity document, their vehicle’s number plate and sign the Arrival Declaration. Signing you accept these regulation.
  2. Minors are only accepted if staying with an adult who is legally responsible for them.
  3. Pitches must be vacated by 11.30 a.m. on the day of departure.
  4. Cars can drive to the pitch and stay on or around it only for the time strictly necessary to charge/discharge. After then they must be parked in the parking area. We remind guests that the speed limit inside the campsite is 10 Km/h. Between 21 and 8 o’clock every traffic inside the campsite is prohibited. For any damage to vehicles in the parking lot of Camping disclaims any liability.
  5. Of 23-8, the clock should not be disturbed night’s sleep. In exceptional cases, the campground chief postpone the start of the night’s sleep to 24 clock.
  6. Under no circumstances may cars, tents, chairs or deckchairs be permitted to stay on the free pitches that they are not their owns.
  7. Visitors are only admitted on foot, from 9.00 a.m. to 21.00 p.m. Their car must be parked outside  the campsite. The visitors must hand in their documents on arrival and pay the camping tariffs if they stay longer after 21.00 p.m.
  8. Parents are directly responsible for their children’s behaviour, who must be always watched and accompanied to the toilets, the lake, the swimming pool and the playground.
  9. Dogs are not allowed in the campsite
  10. All kinds of waste should be thrown in the designated container.
  11. We strongly advise boat owners to follow the navigation rules (hanged at the each pier) so to avoid unpleasant situation. The management declines all responsability for boats moored
  12. The management is not responsible for accidents or other that may occur while swimming in the lake.
  13. The Directorate is not responsible for items left in tents, caravans, camper, and services and is not liable for damage caused by bad weather or force majeure. Objects found should be delivered to the direction that will keep them at the disposal of the owners.
  14. Charging of electric or hybrid cars on the campsite is prohibited, there are suitable charging stations in the immediate vicinity.
  15. It is forbidden to:
    • To dig holes in the ground
    • To damage the plants and flowers, pouring hot or salted water on the soil plants
    • To hang ropes and awnings from the trees
    • To tamper with the equipment for communal use
    • Leave rubbish outside the bins
    • To empty KW in the common toilets
    • To wash dishes and clothes outside the provided sinks
    • In particular it is forbidden to pour hot water or soapy water at the base of the plants.
  16. You can have barbecue or grill provided that it does not damage grass, tree or trouble people
  17.  Please do not waste water and possibly use biodegradable detergent.
  18. Any professional activity as well as the provision of goods or rental of tents and caravans is prohibited.

The direction is at your disposal for any clarification, information or help you can make pleasant and peaceful stay..